Saturday, October 15, 2016

Not a Right Hand Man... yet

Hello readers,

It's been a busy week, so unfortunately I haven't had enough practice to record any improved clips. However, I will talk about some of the current issues with my playing and the steps I am taking to improve.

My picking hand seems to be causing more issues than my other hand. The problems I'm having are keeping rhythm, controlling the strength of each pluck of a string, and syncing my picking with my left hand (which is a left and right hand issue).

I also can't pick nearly as fast as I used to be able to, but that will come with time.

The main problem affecting my rhythm is mostly endurance-related, so it should also improve without too much effort as I play more.

I notice that I start off playing more rhythmically precise, and it gets harder and harder to maintain as my hand gets tired. This is a problem for obvious reasons.

Controlling the strength of each pluck is more or less caused by the same problem. The reason this is an issue is because it hinders my ability to play riffs with the correct amount of punchiness and feel.

The problem with syncing my two hands causes me to pick too early or too late in relativity to my left hand's finger positioning. This throws off the whole flow of a riff and can cause more mistakes. In order to fix this I have spent some time just playing up and down scales. I do this slowly to start, and then faster as I get more comfortable.

If I just spend 10-15 minutes a day doing that, within a week or two I should see a great improvement in that area as well with my left hand accuracy and speed.

So I'll keep at that, and try to play more this week all together so we can have some clips in the next post.

Thanks for checking in. Talk to you again next week.

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